Wednesday 22 October 2014

fire protection engineers

Fire is a very scary threat we must all consider, whether we're talking about homes or commercial properties. Both host a number of electronic devices, the wires that go with them and other items that could easily start a fire. While it's important to remember that such an incident is extremely rare, that's no reason not to be prepared. Today there are more fire protection services than ever before. The following are examples that deserve your consideration.

Fire Extinguishers
This is an obvious one that most people are familiar with. If a fire breaks out, fire extinguishers are a great way to respond. They're especially good for small ones that can be easily contained, but would otherwise turn into a much greater problem. Someone with an extinguisher can eliminate the threat in seconds.

Though they're fairly user friendly, many people don't know how they work. All you have to do is remember the acronym, P.A.S.S. It stands for:
• Pull the pin out. Once the pin is removed, you want to hold the nozzle away from you before releasing the locking mechanism.

• Aim the nozzle low. You always want to aim the extinguisher at the lowest point of the fire.
• Slowly squeeze the lever. Provide even pressure so as not to slip or jerk the extinguisher around.
• Sweep your nozzle back and forth to make sure the fire is completely covered.
For best results, make sure your fire extinguisher is always easy to find. At home, your whole family should be reminded where it is. In a commercial building, it should be mounted on a wall with a sign that indicates its location. In both situations, you need to train people in how to use it.
Every six years, your extinguisher needs to be inspected, especially the gauge as pressure may have dropped if the container was compromised.

Smoke Detectors
Obviously, another hallmark of fire protection services is a smoke detector. These are especially good for the home when people may not be in the room when a fire is starting. Nonetheless, this important component of your fire protection services can help alert you to its presence. Just be sure you test your unit once a month to ensure it's still working properly.

Sprinkler Systems
Even if you have a fire extinguisher handy, nothing compares to a fire protection engineers. Each head is only activated if the temperature around it gets to about 150 degrees Fahrenheit. At that point, a glass valve breaks and allows water to pour forward.
The great thing about this system is that it doesn't need a human to activate or use it. No one even needs to be present for a sprinkler system to save the day. Even if people are around, they can find safety while the system does its job.

Furthermore, because these sprinklers act independently of one another, property damage is greatly limited. For this reason, insurance companies may give you better premiums because they know that, in case of a fire, your building is better protected and your property is less likely to get damaged.
As with all fire protection services, a sprinkler system needs regular maintenance. Mainly, you should check the valve once a week just to be sure it's still locked in the open position. You also want to keep an eye on individual sprinkler heads. They should never be obscured, painted over or damaged.
Every few months, have a professional check in on your system to ensure it's still in working order. Your local municipality and/or insurance company may have something to say about how often you need it looked at too.

Response Plan
No discussion on fire protection services would be complete without talking about a response plan. Whether it's your family or your staff, you need everyone to know where the exits are around them. Obviously, at home, parents will be in charge of getting everyone out. However, at work, you'll need to appoint people for the job.

In both scenarios, your fire protection services need to involve practicing the routine so you're ready to go if you ever actually need it.
Proper fire protection services don't need to take a lot of work or even be expensive. However, you do need to be familiar with them and test them regularly to ensure they'll work when it counts.

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Sonera Jhaveri