Sunday 16 November 2014

Interactive kiosks and industrial 3D animation

Kiosks are widely regarded as being very useful pieces of equipment that reduce a lot of repetitive work. However a few disadvantages of kiosks have also been observed. Some transactions require authentication and a proof of identity. Software in kiosks has limited features to authenticate the identity of people who use the kiosks. Several unauthorized transactions have been perpetuated due to the theft of identity by getting access to PINs by fraudulent means. Misuse of credit cards and ATM cards by unscrupulous people falls under this category.

The kinds of transactions that can be conducted in kiosks are limited as they use pre-programmed software. Kiosks cannot be used for complex and technical transactions which they are not programmed for. This necessitates the availability of a workstation and a person manning it to handle any complicated transactions.

Installation and authorization of kiosks involves a lot of expenditure. The expenditure does not stop with installation but continues with maintenance of hardware and software to ensure smooth operations. In the case of touch screen kiosks, high usage damages the screen and necessitates a replacement every now and then. Tougher screens meant for use in high traffic areas are available in the market but the clarity in such screens is not of good quality.

Kiosks use custom software. It takes a lot of time to prepare custom software for kiosks. The shortage of qualified programmers results either in a delay or in substandard quality.

Care is taken to provide kiosks with user friendly interactive kiosks and industrial 3D animation, however not everybody is techno savvy. The primary disadvantage of kiosks on the retail scene is that it may turn off a sizeable number of consumers. There are many people who prefer talking to a real person rather than punch in options to get pre-programmed questions answered.
The usage of kiosks in large retail outlets has often led to disgruntled employees who feel their sales commissions slipping away due to kiosk usage by customers.

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Sonera Jhaveri